YES! By dilating your pupils and looking inside the eyes, Our Optometrist will be able to detect early signs of various life and sight-threatening diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Together with other tests, we can also detect neurological disease and glaucoma, a potentially blinding disease if left untreated.

Early detection and prevention are crucial to the successful treatment of these diseases. It is recommended that young, healthy individuals have their eyes examined at least once every two years if they are not a contact lens wearer and annually if they are.


What does my eye exam include?

All comprehensive eye exams are performed by our Optometrist . The exam not only determines your prescription, but it also aids the Optometrist in detecting: high blood pressure, diabetes, and retinal and corneal disorders. The exam also includes cataract and glaucoma screening.


How often should I have my eyes checked?

It can be different for each person but as long as your eyes are healthy, a general comprehensive eye examination is recommended every one to two years. Contact lens wearers should be checked yearly to ensure the cornea and anterior part of the eye stays healthy.


What is refraction error?

Myopia, hyeropia and astigmatism are different types of eye disorders, or refractive errors. In the normal eye, light enters through the front of the eye at the cornea and is directed to a single point at the back of the eye on the retina. In an eye with a refractive error, the light is not directed to a single point to the back of the eye but in front of the retina. This is known as myopia or nearsightedness. When the light is directed to a point behind the retina, the refraction error is known as hyperopia or farsightedness. The refractive error known as astigmatism occurs when the light is sent to two points behind, in front of or on the retina.


What is Farsightedness? and what is Nearsightedness?

Farsightedness, also known as hyperopia, is a visual condition where light is not focused on the back of the eye. Distant objects usually appear clear, but near objects may appear blurry. Some signs of farsightedness include eye strain, fatigue or headaches after close work, aching or burning eyes, or difficulty maintaining a clear focus of near objects.

If you or your child have experienced these signs, a comprehensive eye exam by your Optician can test for farsightedness. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can correct farsightedness by altering the way light falls on the back of the eye.

Nearsightedness, also known as myopia, is a visual condition where light is not focused on the back of the eye. Distant objects appear blurry, but near objects appear clear. Nearsightedness is very common. There is some evidence that nearsightedness is caused by too much near work. Nearsightedness is usually first found in school age children, especially while children are growing. Signs of nearsightedness include trouble seeing the chalkboard in school or difficulty seeing distant objects like a TV.

If you or your child have experienced these signs, a comprehensive eye exam by your eye doctor can test for nearsightedness. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can correct nearsightedness by altering the way light falls on the back of the eye. You may only have to wear the optical correction for distant activities, such as watching movies.


Do you sell glasses without prescription lenses?

Yes. These non-prescription lenses are called “plano”. Glasses today have become an important fashion accessory. Even though you may not need vision correction, you can still enhance your image and style with an eyewear fashion wardrobe.